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January 2018 Library Learning

Hello library detectives! The start of our year has been wonderful in the Sargent and Thomson libraries, with each grade working on elements of research that will help them not only in the library, but in their classrooms as well!


Our kindergarten students have been focusing on how we use nonfiction texts to learn new information. We read some really interesting nonfiction books and wrote/drew what we learned, and what we still wondered about.

A student's list of what they learned about Maya Angelou

First Grade

First graders have been working on using two of the most useful digital tools at our fingertips - Britannica Online Encyclopedia and Google Docs. We typed up a question we had about a wild animal and then we used Britannica to answer it!

*If you're curious about how to explore Britannica online at home, just visit our Clever homepage and type in your child's username (including " and their password.

Second Grade

In our second grade library lessons, we've been talking about comparing and contrasting what we know before and after we do research. Students drew a "rough draft" of their favorite animal, then conducted research using Britannica to learn new information about the animal. They then drew a "final draft" and compared the two drawings - what changed? What stayed the same? Where did they see the most evidence of their own learning? Let me tell you, we have some amazing artists in our schools!

Third Grade

Third graders are still working on a dynamic design project meant to solve an existing problem in the world - more on this project coming later!

Fourth Grade

Our fourth grade classes have been working on a two-part project that has them working in both Google Docs and in Google Sheets (the spreadsheet-making app). Our first lessons were devoted to writing a creative travel narrative within the genre of "realistic fiction". Our next step is to create a budget spreadsheet for our fictional trip - we'll be working on that throughout the month of February!

Fifth Grade

Fifth Graders have been working on an ambitious project designed to help them practice both research and persuasive writing. They are working on developing a debate regarding internet privacy, a topic we've been discussing throughout the school year. Our goal is to practice finding credible online resources, citing our sources, and recognizing the importance of protecting your privacy online.

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